My profession is to always find God in nature.
Henry David Thoreau

Welcome !

The main content of this website is wildlife photography in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Since I retired several years ago from public service I have dedicated my time to photographing birds and other wildlife in our wonderful Caribbean Island. I particularly enjoy macro photography.

I also enjoy making Creative Digital renditions of photos which appear in the Creative Digital Section of this website. These are real life photos digitally altered to reflect pleasant, artistic, renditions.

I hope you enjoy the photos. Even though I am not an expert, I have made a great effort to identify the photos on this website and portray all the information provided in a correct manner. Nevertheless, there may be some unintentional mistakes. If you have any difference of opinion regarding the identification of any photo or require any information about the content of this website please let me know. You can turn off the music or stop the slide show by placing the cursor over the photo, this will display the appropriate icons on the bottom.

Contact Info

AddressSan Juan
Puerto Rico
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Some of my photographs have been used for various publications. Others have been winners in local bird photo contests. One photo was used in 2007 as a theme photo for the KAAY FECC - Festival international de toutes les danses, 4ème édition du Festival Kaay Fecc, held in the République du Sénégal.

In 2007 I published two books using the Blurb book website. One book, called Aves del Parque Central de San Juan, can be seen here: The other is a nature photo book of the Caribbean Island of Dominica. It can be seen here: Also many of my bird photos can also be seen on two other excellent sites: and The endemic species can be seen here:

I’m a contributor to the Encyclopedia of Life in the internet with Dragonfly (Odonata) photos,, and to the local Ornithological Society, Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña, Inc,, with local bird photos. I'm also a contributor to the Center for Biological Diversity,, which used one of my photos for a special conservation petition before the Secretary of the Interior of the United States:

An interesting article on Nectarivory in Puerto Rican Emerald Anoles (Anolis evermanni) can be read at The article was published by the International Reptile Conservation Foundation which can be found at Other Anole articles can be found in the "Anole Annals" webpage: and


In a recent issue of the scientific journal LIfe: The Excitement of Biology 3(1), there is an article by Javier E. Mercado and Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, called Multiple Model Mimicry and Feeding Behavior of the Spider Web-Inhabiting Damsel Bug, Arachnocoris berytoides Uhler (Hemiptera: Nabidae), from Puerto Rico, in which one of my photos was used.  You can read the article in this link:

Finally, an article written by me in Spanish on Photographing Birds in Puerto Rico can be read at the following link:
Un artículo que escribí sobre Fotografiando Aves en Puerto Rico se puede leer en:

Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something.
Henry David Thoreau

Featured Galleries & Collections

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Endemic to Puerto Rico

Creative Digital

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Creative Digital


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Praying Mantis - Callimantis sp.

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Praying Mantis - Callimantis sp.


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Photo Equipment and Useful Links

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Photo Equipment and Useful Links

BIRDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition

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Created 20-May-24
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BIRDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition

All Landscapes and other local photos

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Modified 20-May-24
All Landscapes and other local photos

All Frogs

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All Dragonflies and Damselflies

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Modified 20-May-24
All Dragonflies and Damselflies

Photo Stacks

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23 photos
Created 20-May-24
Modified 20-May-24
Photo Stacks

Old San Juan, Capital of Puerto Rico

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Modified 20-May-24
Old San Juan, Capital of Puerto Rico

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Modified 20-May-24
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10 photos
Created 14-Feb-25
Modified 14-Feb-25

Bailarinas del Taller y Escuela de Baileteatro Nacional de Puerto Rico en Acción

Visitors 269
10 photos
Created 22-Nov-24
Modified 22-Nov-24
Bailarinas del Taller y Escuela de Baileteatro Nacional de Puerto Rico en Acción


Visitors 4
2292 photos
Created 10-Nov-24
Modified 10-Nov-24

Winged Flies

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Created 25-Jul-24
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All Flies

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262 photos
Created 25-Jul-24
Modified 25-Jul-24
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Modified 20-May-24
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Modified 20-May-24
Photo Stacks

Contest Submissions and Winners

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Collections 1
Modified 20-May-24
10 photos
Contest Submissions and Winners

Photo Equipment and Useful Links

Visitors 1546
30 photos
Created 20-May-24
Modified 20-May-24
Photo Equipment and Useful Links

Birds of Puerto Rico

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Collections 161
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6236 photos
Birds of Puerto Rico

Bees of Puerto Rico

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Collections 8
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Bees of Puerto Rico

Butterflies, Caterpillars, and Moths of Puerto Rico

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Collections 4
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1398 photos
Butterflies, Caterpillars, and Moths of Puerto Rico

Dragonflies and Damselflies of Puerto Rico

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Dragonflies and Damselflies of Puerto Rico

Flies of Puerto Rico

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Flies of Puerto  Rico

Frogs of Puerto Rico

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Insects of Puerto Rico

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Insects of Puerto Rico

Landscapes of Puerto Rico and other local photos

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Collections 61
Modified 20-May-24
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Landscapes of Puerto Rico and other local photos

Lizards of Puerto Rico

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Collections 16
Modified 20-May-24
275 photos
Lizards of Puerto Rico


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Modified 20-May-24
3 photos

Marine Life of Puerto Rico

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Collections 3
Modified 20-May-24
168 photos
Marine Life of Puerto Rico

Other Reptiles of Puerto Rico

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Collections 1
Modified 20-May-24
35 photos
Other Reptiles of Puerto Rico

Plants, Flowers, Orchids, Lichen, and Fungi of Puerto Rico

Galleries 1
Collections 11
Modified 20-May-24
1102 photos
Plants, Flowers, Orchids, Lichen, and Fungi of Puerto Rico

Snails, Slugs, Worms, and similar of Puerto Rico

Galleries 1
Collections 17
Modified 20-May-24
180 photos
Snails, Slugs, Worms, and similar of Puerto Rico

Snakes of Puerto Rico

Galleries 1
Collections 5
Modified 20-May-24
42 photos
Snakes of Puerto Rico

Spiders of Puerto Rico

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Collections 97
Modified 20-May-24
5266 photos
Spiders of Puerto Rico

Wasps of Puerto Rico

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Collections 32
Modified 20-May-24
717 photos
Wasps of Puerto Rico

Still Life Photos

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Collections 1
Modified 20-May-24
3 photos
Still Life Photos

Photos From Places Outside Puerto Rico

Galleries 1
Collections 1
Modified 20-May-24
13 photos
Photos From Places Outside Puerto Rico

Captive, Domesticated or Zoo Animals Photographed in Puerto Rico

Visitors 3967
54 photos
Created 20-May-24
Modified 20-May-24
Captive, Domesticated or Zoo Animals Photographed in Puerto Rico

Trips to Florida

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0 photos

Trip to Woodbury, Minnesota

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Collections 46
Modified 20-May-24
10626 photos

Road Trip from Woodbury, MN to Malta, NY. MN Insects and others

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Collections 8
Modified 20-May-24
2146 photos


Galleries 1
Collections 1
Modified 20-May-24
10 photos

Beach Photo Boot Camp @ La Cueva de las Golondrinas in Manatí, Puerto Rico.

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Modified 20-May-24
28 photos

Photo Boot Camp

Visitors 137
12 photos
Created 20-May-24
Modified 20-May-24
Photo Boot Camp
Open All Photographs

39530 photos
Visitors 122161
Member since 11-Aug-10

Guestbook for Puerto Rico Wildlife: Alfredo Colón
Wadith J,(non-registered)
Muchas gracias por crear este catalogo de insectos de Puerto Rico para que de esta manera nose pierda este conocimiento y llegue a mas personas por todo el mundo.
Me gustan especialmente sus fotografías de arañas aquí en la Isla; me han ayudado para identificar algunas especies con las que me he encontrado. Su trabajo no pasa desapercibido, y se aprecia enormemente.
Shanna Nerdin(non-registered)
Your photography is beautiful! And I love how you have tried to identify your subjects. I would also love to know where on the island they were taken. Thank you for sharing your gift with the public!
What an accomplishment! Thank you for sharing this amazing collection! --From WNY USA.