Wadith J,(non-registered)
Muchas gracias por crear este catalogo de insectos de Puerto Rico para que de esta manera nose pierda este conocimiento y llegue a mas personas por todo el mundo.
Me gustan especialmente sus fotografías de arañas aquí en la Isla; me han ayudado para identificar algunas especies con las que me he encontrado. Su trabajo no pasa desapercibido, y se aprecia enormemente.
Shanna Nerdin(non-registered)
Your photography is beautiful! And I love how you have tried to identify your subjects. I would also love to know where on the island they were taken. Thank you for sharing your gift with the public!
What an accomplishment! Thank you for sharing this amazing collection! --From WNY USA.
Roberto Soto Acosta(non-registered)
Gracias por su labor extraordinario.
very useful infos and well organised site
sunshine long biên(non-registered)
Thank you for this excellent wildlife photography site, Alfredo.
iris garden mỹ đình(non-registered)
amazing, useful and impressive site.
cool insects gallery!
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