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Created 20-Mar-11
Modified 20-May-24
Visitors 1803
40 photos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Wolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf SpiderWolf Spider

Guestbook for Wolf Spiders, Lycosidae
Antonio Tosto(non-registered)
La primera araña es una hembra de la familia Ctenidae
Ctenus ottleyi (Petrunkevitch, 1930) - Puerto Rico, Hispaniola,

La segunda es de la familia Lycosidae
Agalenocosa yaucensis (Petrunkevitch, 1929) - Puerto Rico
Debra Moore(non-registered)
I am a veterinarian in Lajas and the DNER brought me a spider to my office. I work with numerous wildlife but was unfamiliar with the origin of this spider. Thank you for helping me to identify it.
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