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Created 12-Aug-10
Modified 20-May-24
Visitors 25603
4382 photos
Please note all Dendroica warblers are now known as Setophaga. I will gradually make the changes.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Pectoral Sandpiper, Playero PectoralPectoral Sandpiper, Playero PectoralPectoral Sandpiper, Playero PectoralA group of ShorebirdsA group of ShorebirdsAdelaide's Warbler, Reinita MariposaraAdelaide's Warbler, Reinita Mariposara

Guestbook for A-All Birds of Puerto Rico
Joanne O'Shaughnessy(non-registered)
I stumbled onto your site as I was looking to identify a bird that I see in my backyard. Beautiful work and very informative gallery. Thank you. Joanne
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